Saturday, July 4, 2009


Kotareyog [dot] com is a blog aggregator and BLOGGER WAROK, while itself is Warok Blogger Community Blogger Reyog City Ponorogo. Initially, this community is called Ponorogo Blogger Community (PBC) and the start time since mid-2007. After a NgaBar (Ngangkring with) what kopdar first on 29 July 2008, also agreed Blogger Warok stand. It is expected that with this blog can be a place and at the exchange of information between fellow blogger mapun Indonesian society in general and the media as well as information on citizens journalism. With this website can also promote the City Ponorogo much potential that has not been widely recognized by the community.

Blogger Warok is a community for bloggers Ponorogo, who was born and the beginning of the prime KopDar titled Ngabar on .... roasted corn on the stalls square Ponorogo district.

Vision of ideas as colleagues Ponorogo blogger, with a goal together to introduce and promote the district Ponorogo born this community. Where to this community in the virtual world Ponorogo is minimal, this is reasonable because Ponorogo is a small town is rarely known by people except REYOG his art.

Although Blogger Warok is a new community in the blogosphere, but this community is a community blogger in the first ex karesidenan Madiun and Ponorogo particular. In East Java alone there are already several communities, including TPC and Ngalam Blogger. The crowd to its community blogger, Blogger Warok bring a new wind in the developing world of information.

One of the objectives is the establishment of community development of human resources. In the era of information and Technology, HR is strategic. Because of that, this community does not just community-gathered kumpul but also has the mission to promote human resources in the world to introduce Ponorogo with Internet Blog, especially the eyes that still lay people Ponorogo.

Synonymous with Internet pornography and things negativ other. This is the paradigm that you want to change by Blogger Warok community events with the introduction to the blog, especially the younger generation of students. With the blog we will know the internet with the internet we will know the world.

Together with the other community bloggers side by side let's hand, in the promotion of our respective countries and the beloved of the Republic of Indonesia.

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